Jan 9, 2011


OMG ... SICK SICK SICK ! I'm so suffer now ! Who can help me?! All is because the stupid virus bacteria make me suffer this few days. Damn it !  Is getting worse and worse. Everyday, what i ate will become water. mean LAO SAI ! You do what I mean right. & flu, fever, headache, stomachache, gastric all comes to me. haix ~ so pity me. Can't even rest & breath! Today is Sunday, me suppos to shopping now. But now, I just can stay at home, face the wall, and eat my medicine. I don't want say the F words out, so i change to stupid. STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID...... bitch you ! ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ...... arhhhhhhh ~ I HATE YOU!  BACTERIA ! I don't even know you're eating my white or red blood. but you're forcing me to feed you. F you ! haix ~ 
see doctor soon . Hope that can help me to kill the bacteria. Clinic I'm coming !