Mar 11, 2011

Tsunami !!!!

WTF!!!!! 8.9 tsunami destroyed my home town, OKAIDO !!! fml. This is the most serious tsunami & earth quake happed around this 100 years in Japan. A hit of tsunami form a major damage, hundreds/thousands dead & missing. This earthquake unlike any experienced before. Check this out!


10 meters high of wave

just like rubbish

OMG ! can you see this ?
 2012 ?

those poor little cars just like toys

Pray for Japan, my hometown. God bless.

Coming up next is Taiwan. Be careful Taiwanese. Don't play with water, water will kill you.


Mar 8, 2011


The greatest movie ever! The sanctum movie is about miracle touch within an underwater world. Sanctum, this movie show that people live in underwater cave divers over a dangerous expedition to the largest, most breathtaking and the very least reachable cavern system on the planet. When a tropical thunderstorm pushes them deep down into the caverns, they have to struggle raging water, dangerous terrain and creeping panic while they try to find an unknown escape path to the ocean. Can they stay alive, or will they be stuck for good? find yourself.

& this movie director Alister Grierson and executive producer James Cameron [also Avatar & Titanic originator].

I believe I can swim , I believe I can swim ~
what's going on ?
I'm so sexy !
can you see that ....
Let's  fly ...

Check this out !

Mar 3, 2011


发烧,发冷,发烧,发冷...... 好辛苦哦!昨天晚上我全身发冷到不行还一直冒冷汗,到最后哥哥带我去看医生。我们去了sri damansara, menjarala, sungai buloh 都没有一个诊所是开的。我哥哥开始很急,因为我越来越不舒服了。我们从11点晚上找到12点多都找不到,到最后我们去甲洞。找了好久才找到唯一一间有开24小时的,好辛苦哦。医生用一个很高科技的东西天贴着我的额头[似胶布的东西],过几秒后就说我发高烧[39度]所以我才一直发抖喊冷,还吩咐我不可动冷辣的东西。然后医生问我几个问题,不超过4分钟就叫我出去拿要了,好寥寥帅帅哦。过后有一位护士给我吃药,因为是半夜所以特别贵,RM60。从我一回到家我哥哥就照顾到早上,贴心的他给我喝温水吃药帮我盖被被怕我着凉,还怕我有事所以睡客厅陪我,好感动哦。谢谢你哦,我的一级棒哥哥。现在的我好很多了,烧也退了,只是有点伤风,明天要照常上课咯,因为下个星期就要考试了,没有读到书的我残定了。