Feb 13, 2011


Valentine's day .... Are you lonely ?

Maybe you're not. But me. Yes, I am. I feel that I'm the loneliness woman in this world from this moment. Such a poor little girl I am. Every one told me that single is better thn in relationship with, no control no argue no problems and bla bla bla... I do wish that I'm being single last time. & yes, my wish come true. Now I'm being single, but not what I wnt.  Every weekends, I used to be hang out with someone last time. But now, I'm trying not to hang out & stay at home watching my stupid drama, eat maggie mee, sleeping and doing ntg. How boring is my life?! fml. I'm tired to see those couples kissing with their mouth, huging with full of love, holding hand each other in front of me. fml. I'm sick of it!!  That's why me trying not to hang out on weekends. Haix ~ JEALOUS !!!

Love that we cannot have is the one that lasts the longest, hurt the deepest and feels the strongest.
I wanna to have a boy friend. My PRINCE ! Where's my prince? Where have you been ? I just wanna to be one day of snow white. Can I ? ...........

Check this out. [ What I have chat with my friend ]
XXX : What's the day of Monday?
Me : Oh ~ Is Valentine's day.
XXX : Yes. Me & my bibi is planing to going out celebrate. Wondering what's he give me.... Oh ya. Almost forget to buy my bibi a present. Erm... Ring, couple-shirt, pants, chocolate..... What he like? Can you give me some ideas please?
Me : ( abit sad + jealous ) How I know. Every one have different tastes & I'm not your "bibi". I don't know what he want. Why don't you just ask him? == '''
XXX : Ask him ? Ask him equal to no supprise. I wanna give my bibi a supprise. hmmm ... bla bla bla
 ( after few min )
XXX : How about you ? R you going to celebrate with your bf ?
Me : Me ? O ... erm ... I ..... not going to celebrate valentine. Erm ... & I don't have bf ........
XXX : O ? Really ? Are you serious ? How about quan ( My X ) ?
Me : We break up almost 2 months.
XXX : Why ? R you the one falling out first ?
Me : I don't know. ( speechless )
XXX : So pity you. Nvm. If no one celebrate with you thn call me. I will accompany you. Okay ?
Me : O...Okay. Thank you. ( will you pick up my call when you are celebrating with your "bibi" ... fml )

Love is for someone you falling in with. But Fake is for friend.
Wish you have a greatest happy Valentine's day ever. Night ^^